Oh if only I had a dollar for every time Kennie or I uttered the above quote to one another, before giggling insanely together over yet another of their whackadoo exploits. I realize I should give an example here, but fear that would end with this blog being used by the prosecution in some bizarre case where the statute of limitations hasn't run out yet. Kilslug shows were really fun. My only problem was that their sound was too much like the noises my brain was already making all the time on it's own, so sometimes it all melded together and I just spaced out and it all became background. Luckily, they were always as much fun to watch as they were to hear. Like big crazy Garbage Pail Kids with lots of testosterone and impulse control issues.
I heard tell that there is a Kilslug documentary in the works and I will let you know what's up with that when I hear more. I knew this little kid whose mom lived with a member of Kilslug for awhile and she used to leave him at the loft with the band while she went to work. He sings backing vocals on Elizabeth. I keep telling his mom, instead of busting his hump selling real estate he should be writing a book called Growing Up Kilslug. Sounds like a best seller to me.
I was just reading some email from Rico and I'd like to offer a quarter to anyone who can tell a Kilslug story that doesn't end with the word 'arrested' or the phrase 'and then the cops showed up.'
Just to clarify, when I say quarter, I'm talking about a twenty-five cent coin.
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